DDR. NVA Leutnant uniform jacket - Medical officer

DDR. NVA Leutnant uniform jacket - Medical officer

1.095 SEK

Model/Product no.: 15435
Stock status: In stock

DDR. NVA Leutnant uniform jacket - Medical officer

Uniform jacket for an officer serving within the Rückwärtige Dienste. The shoulder boards indicate the rank of Leutnant in Militärmedizinischer Dienst (military medical service).

On the jackets left side is a 2-piece ribbon bar for 10+ years of loyal service. On the right side an academy badge from the Militärmedizinische Sektion of the Ernst-Moritz-Arndt-Universität.

Very good condition! The academy badge is the post-1990 version produced by the same company (Präwema) using the same machines. Excellent replacement for an otherwise very rare badge.

Size: sk52