German WW2 Luftwaffe Sturzkampfgeschwader 1 award document group
We googled the name Franz Gruppenberger and found a note that the belonged to this unit.
Sturzkampfgeschwader 1 (StG 1 - Dive Bomber Wing 1) which was a Luftwaffe dive bomber wing.
This unit used the Ju87 Stuka bomber planer.
StG 1 served the German war effort on every front including limited Bandenbekämpfung operations in support of Wehrmacht and Nazi paramilitary forces.
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The group consist of the following award documents:
*Air gunner badge (Fliegerschützenabzeichen). Issued on March 20th 1941. Very good condition.
It's signed by a Generalleutnant. We are sure it will be possible to determine who this was.
*Kreta cuff title. Issued August 19th 1943. Stamp signed but a General. Excellent condition.