Luftwaffe Hermann Göring division EM/NCO's cufftitle

Luftwaffe Hermann Göring division EM/NCO's cufftitle

339 EURO

Model/Product no.: 34947
Stock status: In stock

Luftwaffe Hermann Göring division EM/NCO's cufftitle.

This Hermann Göring Cuff Title is a choice example of this very desirable piece of regalia for an elite Luftwaffe unit.

This is a post-1942 pattern, worn by members of the Division Hermann Göring and eventually by the Fallschirm-Panzerkorps Hermann Göring.

This cuff title is made from a very fine dark blue wool fabric, and measures about 48 cm.

The cuff title is emblazoned with the wording “Hermann Göring,” machine embroidered in a slightly grayish-white thread. The embroidery is perfect, with no issues.

This cuff title is an unissued example, with no stitch holes or other traces of ever having been affixed to a uniform.

It is full length, and shows absolutely zero mothing or other damage.

The reverse of this Hermann Göring Cuff Title shows typical folded and stitched edges, and the mesh backing for the embroidery.

Overalll condition is excellent ++.



Cufftitles bearing some version of Hermann Göring’s name can be traced back to December 22ND 1933 with the introduction of the "L.P.G. General Göring" cufftitle issued to the recently renamed, Landes Polizei Gruppe Wecke z.b.V, (State Police Group Wecke for Special Purposes), to Landes Polizei Gruppe General Göring, (Regional Police Group General Göring). Of Note: L.P.G. Wecke was named after it’s commander, Polizei-Oberst Walther Wecke who would be promoted to the rank of General der Luftwaffe, (Air-Force), in December 1942. On September 23RD 1935 L.P.G. General Göring was transferred from control of the Police to control of the Luftwaffe and was renamed, Regiment General Göring which resulted in a "General Göring" cufftitle being introduced on March 12TH 1936. The "General Göring" cufftitles were utilized until May 22ND 1942 when a final pattern cufftitle bearing Hermann Göring’s name was introduced for wear by all ranks of personnel serving with Reinforced Regiment (mot.) Hermann Göring. The "General Göring" cufftitles were all in Gothic/Fraktur style script while the first issue of the "Hermann Göring" cufftitles were also rendered in Gothic/Fraktur style script that was soon changed to the block letter, Latin script. Both the "General Göring" and "Hermann Göring" cufftitles differentiated rank groups with a machine embroidered version in silver/grey threads for EM/NCO’s with NCO ranks having the addition of Russian braid trim while Officer’s ranks cufftitles were produced in hand embroidered silver/aluminum wire threads also with Russian braid trim. Of Note: The Reinforced Regiment (mot.) Hermann Göring was upgrade to Brigade status in July 1942 and to Divisional status in October of that year, and personnel retained wear of the Hermann Göring cufftitle to the end of the war.