Wehrmacht-Verkehrsdirektion Brussels Cuff Title

Wehrmacht-Verkehrsdirektion Brussels Cuff Title

213 EURO

Model/Product no.: 34950
Stock status: In stock

Wehrmacht-Verkehrsdirektion Brussels Cuff Title

Translates to German Army(Wehrmacht) Brussel Armed Forces Railroad Traffic Control.

This cuff title was specifically worn by members of the German Wehrmacht who were part of the Verkehrsdirektion, or Traffic Directorate, in Brussels.

These units were responsible for the efficient coordination and control of military logistics and railway operations in occupied Belgium.

The cuff title, typically made of high-quality textile, features embroidered lettering that denotes its association with the Brussels railway control division.

The technique used is the so-called 'BeVo'-weave (and was most certainly produced by the company: 'Ewald Vorsteher' ie. 'BeVo' as based in the town of Wuppertal).

Collectors and historians value such items for their direct connection to the wartime activities and administrative organization of the German military during the war. Understanding the role and function of the Verkehrsdirektion provides deeper insight into the logistical complexities and infrastructure management carried out by the Wehrmacht, highlighting their strategic efforts in maintaining supply lines and transportation routes throughout occupied territories.

Overall condition is excellent. No damages.

Length, roughly 42 cm.